Autism can be diagnosed in children as early as 2 years of age and as late as 6-7 years of age.




  • They find difficulty in communicating with others
  • They prefer to sit alone or play alone. Finds difficult to make friends.
  • Sensory Dysfunction – cannot stand loud noises, strong smell or flavour.
  • Repetitive Behaviour- Doing or saying the same things over and over again. For example, constantly clap hands.


















SPEECH PROBLEMS                                                                         COMMUNICATION PROBLEMS                                                                                                                                                                                                     

  • Trouble with conversational skills, which include eye contact and gestures
  • Trouble understanding the meaning of words outside the context where they were learned
  • Memorization of things heard without knowing what's been said
  • Reliance on echolalia -- the repeating of another's words as they are being said -- as the main way to communicate
  • Little understanding of the meaning of words or symbols
  • Lack of creative language
  • Not talk at all
  • Utter grunts, cries, shrieks, or throaty, harsh sounds
  • Hum or talk in a musical way
  • Babble with word-like sounds
  • Use foreign-sounding "words" or robotic-like speech
  • Parrot or often repeat what another person says 
  • Use the right phrases and sentences, but with an inexpressive tone of voice.