Hearing loss, a condition that has been related to social isolation, loss of income and onset of dementia. But two-thirds or more of adults over 50 who might benefit from hearing aids do not use them. Why? One reason may be its price.

At the moment, hearing aid prices range from ₹ 20,000 for a basic device to ₹ 50,000 for an essential and ₹ 3,00,000 for a premium hearing aid in India.

The main factor that affects the purchase price of the hearing aid is the technology level and features included.

Some of the cost in manufacturing hearing aids is from the research needed to continue making technology advancements each year. Each year, hundreds of millions of dollars are spent by the industry to improve how these devices perform. These investments have led to hearing aids that serve people better.

Other costs generally  includes the hearing test, consultation, initial fitting, and all follow-up adjustments, routine cleanings and a warranty that can range from two to four years.

Before you buy

Look for an experienced & highly qualified Audiologists (usually Masters)

Get a checkup

Ask about a trial period

Think about future needs

Check for a warranty

Seek for additional features – Noise reduction, Directional microphone, Rechargeable batteries, Wireless connectivity, Additional accessories,


At a hearing clinic, your hearing aids are calibrated specifically to your unique hearing loss, and any other issues you may have, like tinnitus. Usually an audiologist plays a big role in the patient's success with hearing aids.