Hearing test



At E-HEAR & SPEECH REHAB we are expertise in 20 different diagnostic hearing tests irrespective of the patient age. Did you know that we can test a child’s hearing soon after its birth? Yes, we have a set of highly sophisticated tests which can ascertain the hearing ability in children. The same holds true for adults who have difficulties with their hearing ability. All tests are conducted by RCI Certified audiologists.

We have facilities for basic and advanced audiological tests which include:

  • Pure Tone Audiometry Tympanometry
  • Eustachian Tube Function Test Acoustic Reflex Study
  • Special Pure Tone based tests such as:

1.SISI – Short Increment Sensitivity Index
2.TDT – Tone Decay Test
3.ABLB – Alternate Binaural Loudness Balancing

  • Speech Audiometry
  • Free-field Audiometry
  • Comprehensive Pediatric tests such as ASSR, ABR and OAE
  • VEMP
  • ECochG

Apart from these, we also provide a few other tests involving hearing and balance disorders such as:

  • Neurological ABR
  • Stacked ABR
  • ENG with Caloric Tests
  • Glycerol Test