The procedure for purchasing hearing aids was in the past much easier. There were only limited styles to select from and they all essentially worked the same way.

It was not until digital technology was introduced into the design and later RIC, that hearing aids became realistic solutions for the recovery of hearing.

Here are the 7 factors which you should look at before buying a hearing aid.


  1. Look for an Independent, highly qualified skilled Audiologist

Search for a master’s level audiologists specialize in diagnosing and treating hearing loss and expert with virtually every hearing aid on the market. Make sure you get the hearing technology you need to hear your best at the best price. Ninety percent of your success with hearing aids is related to the professional you work with.

         2.No of Channels & features

There are different companies in the market. Make sure you buy the latest technology, irrespective of which ever company you select. For e.g- Xperience platform if you select signia, Paradise platform if you want to go for phonak,

No. of channels is an additional factor which you should consider, As the no. of channels & band increases the clarity gets better.

For e.g- If you are a person, who is socially active, talks to 5-6 persons at a time,attends meeting, listening demand from a minimum of 7-8 ft, then you should consider a 24 or 32 channel hearing aid.  For a retired person, who usually stays at home, a basic to essential range hearing aid is recommended.

Advanced technology with enhanced features will cost more than simpler technology and performs better in more demanding listening environments.

Look for Latest technology from different manufacturer-




       3.Directional Microphones

People invest in hearing aids for various reasons and to hear a mixture of sounds, but the primary reason is to hear and understand speech. In that case directional microphone is recommended. Hearing aids with directionality contain two or more microphones installed at a specific distance from each other within the hearing aid. The contrast in arrival time of sound to each microphone then dictates how the hearing aid reacts to the sound. This permits the hearing aid to target the specific sound source in front of you.



        4.Background Noise Minimization

Noise reduction system, speech and noise management, dynamic noise cancellation, wind noise suppressors, acoustics sensors are the features you should look for in your hearing aid. Hearing aids contain a microprocessor that can distinguish between high-frequency sounds (like speech) and low- frequency sounds (like background noise). The microprocessor can then intensify speech while suppressing everything else.

      5.Wireless Connectivity

Direct streaming is a premium feature which is available in an essential hearing aid now a days. You can stream telephone calls and music directly to your hearing aids for optimum sound quality. Your smartphone can even be used as a hearing aid remote control, where you can regulate the volume, and even check the battery status.

6. Rechargeable Hearing aid 

Today's rechargeable digital hearing aids are much more technologically advanced than they used to be. With simple and reliable charging, rechargeable hearing aids allow you to carry on with your active life without worrying about your hearing aids running out of power. 

Hearing aids with rechargeable batteries can just be inserted into a recharging unit at night, or when you are not using them. With the battery built into the hearing aid, it means you don’t have to worry about a battery going dead, and no more inconvenient hassles of changing the battery. The price range starts from 48,000/- INR. 



  1. Beware of what appear to be less expensive options or third-party discount programs for hearing aids. These often do not include the professional services necessary to meet your ongoing hearing aid needs and they may assess non-refundable fees.
  2. Hearing aid manufacturers discourage the sale and purchase of hearing aids online, especially those which are not directly supported by local, licensed professionals trained to fit their sophisticated hearing aid technology. Hearing aids purchased online may not be warrantied, may be difficult to get refunded, and in some cases take advantage of the online consumer.


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